You can manage existing clients through the options on the right: "Edit", "Impersonate", and "Delete". 

The "Impersonate" button allows you to log in to the Account Panel for clients of the selected Client.
The "Delete" button allows you to remove the client entity. This action can be performed only if there are no hosting services associated with the Client.
The "Edit" button allows you to apply various changes to an existing Client:

  • Details. This page shows you the username of the Clients account, the contact name, and the count of services associated with it. It also allows you to choose the online store that the Client will be part of. This will control the services available to this client and their prices. 
    You can suspend a Client, which will effectively close any active login sessions and fully disable the access for this client to their Account Panel for clients. The "Details" page will show a "Status" drop-down with two options: "Active" and "Suspended".  You cannot change the status for clients buying from ICDSoft. The status can be controlled only for clients buying from your own online store(s).
    You can change the username of a Client's account by entering the new username and clicking the Change button. Your clients cannot change their own usernames.
  • Contacts. This page allows you to modify the contact details of the Client.
  • Services. This page displays all hosting services associated with the Client.
  • Password. This page allows you to change the password of the Client.