To edit the default Welcome e-mail template, you need to go to the "Hosting Resources" > "My Account" section on the left pane of your Account Panel. There, go to the "Custom Templates" sub-menu and then click on the "Customize Welcome Email" link.
There are several fields and options that you can change:
From: The e-mail address and/or name that will appear in the "From:" header of the message
Action: Here you have two options:
Send only to me: When this option is checked, the Welcome email will be sent only to you (the Reseller).
Send directly to customers with a copy to me: When this option is checked the Welcome email will be sent to you (the Reseller) and the email address contained in the Personal information of the hosting account.
Subject: The subject of the message
Hosting-only Template: This field allows you to edit the text that will be sent to a customer with an order for a hosting account without a domain name registration.
Hosting with Domain Registration Template: This field allows you to edit the text that will be sent to a customer with an order for a hosting account with a domain name registration.
Hosting with Domain Transfer Template: This field allows you to edit the text that will be sent to a customer with an order for a hosting account with a domain name transfer.
You can use the "Reset to default templates" button to reset the templates to the default ones.
All prices are in USD. No setup fees. Minimum contract period for shared hosting services - 12 months. Full prepayment for the contract period. 100-day money-back guarantee. No automatic renewal. Fees for domain registrations and SSL certificates cannot be refunded in case of an early contract termination.
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