The Roundcube and Webmail Classic webmail clients allow you to organize your messages in folders.
Detailed instructions on how to create, rename, purge, empty, or delete mailbox folders can be found in the following articles from our online documentation:
The process of accessing the mailbox folder management page will vary depending on your webmail client of choice:
You can manage your folders by opening the Settings task from the main menu and selecting the Folders setting.
Here is an excerpt from the Managing Folders article from Roundcube's official documentation for more information about the folder management screen:
This section of the settings task allows you to manage the tree of mailbox folders.
The hierarchical folder tree is displayed in the middle list widget where you can select a single folder by clicking it. Folder information and some settings then appear in the right properties pane.
There might be folders which are grayed out and which cannot be edited nor deleted or renamed. Such folders are "virtual" folders which are only there for structuring but which cannot contain any messages.
Some Special System Folders cannot be renamed or unsubscribed because they have special purposes and are used by system processes.
To manage your mailbox folders via Webmail Classic, you should click on the Manage Folders button near the bottom of the Folder Status section (folder list). A new Manage Folders page will open where you will be presented with a list of your mailbox folders. Next to each folder, you will find its total disk space usage and the total number of messages.
You can manage the folders from the folder list by selecting the checkbox next to them and using the buttons at the bottom of the page.
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