Both webmail clients allow you to forward or send a copy of all incoming e-mail messages to another e-mail address.
You can manage your mailbox forwarding settings by opening the Settings task in Roundcube, or the Options tab in Webmail Classic from the main menu, and going to E-mail Forwarding.
Since the e-mail forwarding interface in the webmail clients is almost identical to the one available in the Mail Manager section of the hosting Control Panel, you can refer to our Configure forwarding article for instructions on how to use the e-mail forwarding interface and its settings. The only difference is that Show forwarding menu in Webmail options setting is only available in the e-mail forwarding interface of the hosting Control Panel.
If you do not wish to forward only specific messages to another e-mail address, please refer to our Forwarding specific incoming messages (e-mail filter example) article.
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