By default, all created MySQL users are allowed to access the MySQL server locally through a script that runs on the server. In case you need to access your database using an application installed on your computer (e.g. NaviCat, MySQL Front, MySQL Control Center, or Query Browser), you need to allow remote connections for the respective MySQL user.
On our servers, remote access is enabled per MySQL user, so when you enable remote connections for a MySQL user, this MySQL user will be able to connect remotely to all databases it is associated with.
To enable remote connections for a MySQL user on our servers, you need to follow these steps:
Once remote connections are enabled, the MySQL user will be able to connect from remote locations (e.g. from your local computer using MySQL Control Center or MySQL Front) to all databases it is associated with.
Note: The MySQL 5 and MySQL 8 servers are separate and do not share databases or users, so if you have two users for MySQL 5 and MySQL 8 with the same name and enable remote connections for one of these users, the remote connections setting will not be changed for the other user.
You can find the MySQL host and port that you need to use in your MySQL client in the MySQL Connection Settings information box from the hosting Control Panel > MySQL Databases section.
If you are using views in your MySQL databases, enabling/disabling remote connections for your master MySQL user may lead to problems with these views, due to the change of the type of access. Therefore, in case you have MySQL views in any of your databases, it is strongly recommended that you use a separate MySQL user for remote connections.
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