Composer is a popular and powerful dependency manager for PHP which can be used for installing and updating other applications.
It is available on our servers by default, and you can use it via the composer binary. Based on the PHP version set for PHP CLI in the hosting Control Panel > PHP Settings section, the composer binary will use the latest stable Composer version (full path to binary - /usr/local/bin/composer) or the long-term support Composer version for PHP versions lower than PHP 7.2 (full path to binary - /usr/local/bin/composer-2.2-lts).
Should you need to install a local copy of Composer, please follow these steps:
1. First, enable SSH and use it to connect to the server. You can find more information in the SSH section of our online documentation.
2. Once you have logged into the account using SSH, you will need to execute the following command:
cd ~/.composer
3. You can then follow the official instructions on installing Composer - more specifically, there is a four-line script near the top of the page that you can either copy and paste in full, or run the individual lines one by one in your terminal screen:
Download Composer
4. Once you have completed the Composer installation, you should execute the following command:
echo "alias composer='php ~/.composer/composer.phar'" >> ~/.bashrc
5. Finally, close the current SSH session, then log back in again. This will make the Composer binary available in your path, and you will be able to execute it from any location on your account.
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