There are several directories at the topmost level of your hosting account. They are:
/awstats - This directory contains the processed information that AWStats generates when parsing the Apache logs.
Note that if you have not enabled AWStats from the Site Statistics section of the Control Panel, this directory will not be present.
/backup - This directory contains the backups of your hosting account that you may have created from the Backup section of the Control Panel. The backups stored in /backup/temporary are going to be deleted automatically three days after they have been created.
/logs - Here you will find the raw access logs of the Apache web server. These files contain unprocessed information about who has visited your site.
/private - This directory is accessible only via FTP and the Control Panel. It is not directly accessible to the web server, and its contents cannot be viewed with a web browser. However, your scripts can use it to store sensitive data, for example.
/stats - The statistics software, Webalizer, keeps in this directory the information it generates when parsing the access logs of the web server.
/www - Your web content is in the subdirectories of /www.
For instance, the files of your main web site,, should be in the /www/www directory; if you have a subdomain like "family" (, the files should be in /www/family.
These directories cannot be modified directly. They are readable by FTP, but you cannot rename or delete them. You can directly modify the files in the subdirectories of /www and the ones in the /private directory. This can be done by using either the File Manager of the Control Panel or an FTP program.
On the Backup section of the Control Panel you can manage your backups. The Restore section can be used to extract data from a backup.
All prices are in USD. No setup fees. Minimum contract period for shared hosting services - 12 months. Full prepayment for the contract period. 100-day money-back guarantee. No automatic renewal. Fees for domain registrations and SSL certificates cannot be refunded in case of an early contract termination.
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