Yes. There are no special requirements for registering a .COM domain name.
Yes, private registration is available and FREE for .COM domain names.
Yes, you can register your .COM domain name and use the registrar's name servers to set up custom DNS records or simply redirect your domain to another URL address. If you have a hosting account with us, and your domain is using our name servers, then you can manage its DNS records through the DNS Manager section of your hosting Control Panel.
The minimum registration period is 1 year, and the maximum registration period is 10 years.
The .COM domain name is registered as soon as we receive your payment. This usually happens almost instantly.
To avoid any downtime for all domain-related services, we encourage you to renew your domain name before its expiration date.
If your domain name expires, you usually have up to 30 days to renew it at the standard rate. After this period, the domain name may enter the so-called Redemption Grace Period. To have your domain name reinstated during the RGP, the registrar charges an additional fee of $80.00. The RGP length is also 30 days, but not all domains enter the RGP after the initial 30-day grace period. It is highly recommended that you renew before the domain name expires to avoid losing it. We cannot guarantee that you will be able to renew or keep your domain name if it has already expired.
Yes, but there are certain requirements. The domain needs to be at least 60 days old. The domain should be unlocked at its current registrar, and you need to obtain its EPP/Auth code, because you need it to begin the transfer process.
The domain name needs to be at least 60 days old. You can submit a support ticket or send us an email to request that we unlock your domain name and send its EPP/Auth code to you.