We do not accept new orders for .bg domain registrations at the moment. If you want us to let you know when we start offering them again, please contact us.

.BG Domain Names

order now at low price for just $21.44/year if purchased with a hosting account

Fairly low price even without a hosting account - $29.24/year

Listed prices apply for registrations, transfers, and renewals

No additional taxes for domain management

Authorize ICDSoft to register/manage all your .BG domains and avoid administrative burden


As a Bulgarian hosting company with 20-year history and tens of thousands customers from all over the world, we are proud to be able to offer .BG domain registrations to our customers, at a fair price. ICDSoft is an accredited registrar of .BG domain names.

Using a .BG domain gives credibility of your web site for Bulgarian visitors, customers, and business partners.


ICDSoft offers .bg domain registrations only to citizens and organizations with a place of residence in Bulgaria.

A major requirement for the registration of a .bg domain name is to perform an identification check of the registrant, no matter if it is an individual or an organization, by presenting the proper identification documents. For individuals, this happens with the signing of the domain application. For organizations, both the organization itself, as well as the person representing it, must be identified. The identification of an organization happens by presenting proper organization/company documents.
If the application is signed with an electronic signature, no further personal identification is needed. For organizations/companies, the electronic signature must contain both the name of the organization as well as the name of the representative (signature owner).
If the organization is listed in the Bulgarian Trade Registry, no documents are needed to identify the organization, as we will check the company information directly in the Trade Registry.

When applying for a .BG domain registration, the registrant can choose whether to register the domain as Protected or Unprotected. If you choose to register a Protected domain name, you must have grounds for using the specific name and present documentation to verify this. More information on the possible grounds for registration and the needed documents can be found in the Terms and Conditions for registrations of .BG domains of Register.bg here.
If you decide to register a domain name as Unprotected, this means that another person/organization, with proper grounds for using the specific name can claim ownership over it.

The ability to hide registrant data (WHOIS privacy) is not available for .BG domain registrations. The registrant data can be checked at the site of the global .BG registry, Register.bg. For organizations, all registrant data is disclosed - name, address, phone, email address. For individuals, only the name is disclosed.

The minimum registration period is 1 year, and the maximum registration period is 10 years.

The registration of a .BG domain name can take up to a few days, depending on how soon you send back to us the signed application and other documentation that is involved.

DNS Service

DNS service is not available with .BG domain registrations. However, you can use a hosting service with us that includes DNS services as well.

The Domain Setup feature allows the setup of the domain's name servers. You can set up the domain either through ICDSoft's interface or through an interface on the Register.bg webiste. If you prefer to set up the domain through ICDSoft's interface, then ICDSoft will be set as an Administrative contact for the domain. To enable this option, you will need to select "I would like to set up my domain through the interfaces of ICDSoft" in the Domain setup field on the order page. If you select to use the website of Register.bg, please also enter an "Email address for authorization" for the Register.bg site.


According to the rules of the Bulgarian global registry (Register.bg), .BG domain names must be renewed at least 30 days prior to their expiration. If this is not completed within the 30-day period, it is possible Register.bg to take additional actions/takeover regarding the renewal of the domain.

We strongly recommend renewing .BG domain names at least 30 days prior to their expiration. If a .BG domain is not renewed, it would be taken over by the registry itself (Register.bg) and they could take action to renew it. Generally, the domain should be available for renewal up to 30 days after its expiration.


Yes, it is possible to transfer .BG domains registered through other registrars. It is important to note that the transfer request must be submitted by the current Registrant of the domain - it is not possible to change the Registrar and the Registrant at the same time. You can contact our support team for more information on how to transfer your .BG domain to us.

Yes. You just need to contact the gaining registrar and initiate the transfer procedure through them. No action is needed on our side.